Misc. Topics Meeting

Public meeting of the DPC held 27 Oct 2015 at the Teller County Public Works lunch room in Divide.

This meeting was called to address topics related to the DPC, not any specific application for change to the Divide Region. Meeting minutes are provided in the attachment below.


The topics discussed and results were:

  • Should the By-Laws be changed to relax voting for member expired terms from a Super Majority to a Simple Majority. Results were that the By-Laws are adequate and should not be changed.  Annual voting for membership remains at the Super Majority (8 votes for a member).
  • The current (2006) Divide Regional Plan refers only to Conditional Use Permits, excludes Special Use Permits.  This is due to the County Land Use Regulations adding Special Use Permits after the Divide Plan was last changed, thus our plan is out of sync with County documents.  Our Divide Plan needs to be updated.  To alleviate the long change process the DPC will approach County Planning to request minor word changes accomplished as administrative changes to the Divide Planning document.  But not until after current pending applications have been resolved so as to not give the impression the Divide Plan is changing due to any pending application.
  • Rainbow Valley Subdivision residents have expressed interest in being included in the Divide Planning Region.  It was agreed that this Committee will not initiate expanding the Divide Planning Region.  We will support such an effort, but expanding the Planning Region and changing the Map must be initiated by the subdivision.  Residents of Rainbow Valley need to agree and then approach the County.
  • Should the DPC be pro-active on subjects of permitted Land Use by current residents.  It was agreed that this Committee will not be pro-active.  We react only to applications provided to us by County Planning Dept.


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