Pertinent information is available on the Teller County website. As a convenience links to information provided by the County are provided here.
Property Records Database search tool allows you to search by owner's name or lot location to obtain information pertaining to a lot.
Interactive mapping tool allows zooming in to a specific lot and obtain ownership information for that lot. This tool is integrated with the Teller County Property Records Database
County Planning Department providing contact information and access to some documents. Documents of interest are the Community Regional Plans (including the Divide Regional Plan) and the Land Use Regulations (LUR). Agendas and minutes for Teller County Planning Commission public hearings are available from this web page.
Teller County Growth Management Plan (a.k.a. Master Plan) was approved and adopted on April 3, 1990 by the Teller County Planning Commission and on June 7, 1990 by the Teller County Board of County Commissioners.