Golden Bell PUD Application 2021
In May, 2021, the Divide Planning Committee (DPC) was asked to make a recommendation for the Application of Golden Bell Camp & Conference Center changing the Zone to Planned Unit Development (PUD) of two Parcels. The County provided links to the documents, which made it easy for members to access the files. This system made it much easier to disseminate documents.
The provided link is:
Which includes other applications, we are only interested in the one for Golden Bell. The associated files are in three sections: Application Forms, Plats & Maps, and Other Supporting Documents. There are related documents in all three for this Application.
A meeting of this committee was held on May 6, 2021 including representatives of Golden Bell and is summarized in attached document (6May2021 Mtg Summary).
A major issue is that a Land Use Regulation (LUR) Map Change is needed, which Teller County or Golden Bell Application needs to address. See Attached document named LUR Map Change.
Both the LUR (Section 10.2) plus Appendix B of the Divide Regional Plan provide what is required to change Zoning to PUD. The County should ensure all necessary actions are adequately performed. That is not the job of this committee.
The signed recommendation was provided to the County by this committee on May 14, 2021. A copy is in the Attachments (Final DPC PUD Recommendation). The DPC response was required by May 17, 2021. When our reply was submitted to the Teller County Planning Dept. it was indicated by the County that there is a "Hard Stop" on the application - something to do with the Road & Bridge Dept. So, I suspect it be quite some time before there is a Public Hearing on subject for approval. Which in a way is what our Committee implied - more work is needed before this Application is ready.