Divide Planning Website
This website is intended to act as an information portal for activities relating to planning topics for the Divide region of Teller County, Colorado. Those interested can sign up to receive E-mail notices of pending activities.
The Divide Planning Committee (DPC) is a referral agency to Teller County on matters that affect the Divide Planning Region. Divide, Colorado is one of six Planning Regions of Teller County – those areas of the county not governed by municipalities. Regional Planning Committees are not empowered decision bodies they provide opinions to the bodies that are empowered to make such decisions.
What the DPC does – when someone wants to change Zoning or permitted Land Use they submit an application to the Teller County Planning Department and that department requests agencies to review the request and provide an opinion response to the county. Other review agencies might include the Fire Protection District, Teller County Sheriff and other County Departments, Colorado Department of Wildlife. Agency review responses are considered by the Teller County Planning Department, the Teller County Planning Commission (TCPC) and the Teller County Board of County Commissioners (TC-BoCC) who decide whether to approve or disapprove the change. For detailed information on the process and binding documents refer to the Teller County Planning Department; relative information is available on this site's Links page for your convenience.
The Divide Planning Committee consists of residents and businesses of the Divide Region who meet to review and draft responses to changes in the region. All activities of this Committee are open to the public, announced via this website and Email notices with activity results recorded on this website. There are eleven members of the Committee with staggered three-year terms. Elections are held during an annual community public meeting in September. For the current members of the Divide Planning Committee see current members.
Probably not needed, but there is a little instruction document that addresses using this website. You can access that document in the current documents section - or simply click here.